well uh... hiii!!! I have a few updates but they aren't that particularly interesting. I started watching Gintama again after taking a break to catch up with Yellowjackets and finish the Hijikata route in Hakuoki memories... :P (I still didn't finish the route lol) I watched episode 300 but stopped midway season 4 because I wanted to watch it in chronological order, not release order. I skipped aheda to Porori hen and I'm really enjoying it :D Some of my fav episodes are in this season, I love the one where Toshi and Sasaki find Momotaro at a murder scene XDDD... I'm up to the part where poor Gintoki gets the sword stuck up his butt :') So I'm also fully caught up with Yellowjackets, I haven't posted about it yet but it's one of the only live action shows that doesn't make me feel like falling asleep lol. I think it's awesome, I really love survival horror and I always listen to those "scary 4chan skinwalker inawoods" stories so it's def my kind of thing. Also theyre's TOXIC YURI!!!!!! Yeah... it's awesome. My fav is Misty she's crazy but she's sooo mee... I mentioned I also went back to playing Hakuoki. I really liked it until Chikage showed up again and ruined everything >:( I think I'm finally getting the hang of the game though, I'm up to chapter 5 now and I think I'm going to finish the route soon! :D I'm sorry Chikage fans, I do *NOT* like him lol. I know he;s one of the most popular characters but he's just annoying to me :,) I think I will probably try the Harada route next because he is my second favorite after Toshi ^_^ erm yeah so thats it... I have a test in my art history class tomorrow so I should probably be looking at that >_< I love that class sm, all the renaissance art still is so cool!! Iv'e been designing a lot of characters based off the Italian renaissance, I'm thinking about making a story with them but idk yetttt >_< Oki that's all I have for today :3
hello >_< I went on a Valentine's date with Gintoki >///<... we ate lunch together. After that we went shopping and got smoothies :D I didn't end up buying anything though lol. I almost bought an art history book but I didn't like how the pictures were in black and white... :/ I also tried on some tie dye overalls at the thrift store, they reminded me of CocoLulu, but they didn't fit... The smoothie place was so pretty and I took a lot of pictures there... I wore a Valentine's theme\d co*de as well
the second pic is actually me in the bathroom o_0 it's really well decorated for a bathroom...
it's so cute and pink inside!! Gintoki looks so small lol
I don't have much else to say, it really wasn't that interesting since it was just me :') but I had fun anyway...
recently I've become disillusioned with the yume/selfship whatever you wanna call it community. I feel upset, embarassed and extremely dissapointed. Something that used to make me so happy has left me feeling embarassed and "cringe." I'm just tired of it- all the corny ass terms that make us sound crazy like "f/o" and "fictosexual," '(idc if it's common practice I am *NOT* using those) all the blatant unhealthy behavior that is being encouraged- I am sorry to anyone who is offended by this but if you get genuinely upset at someone for liking the same fictional character as you, you have a problem. I am not trying to be mean. I am not trying to judge because it's "cringe," I am genuinely concerned for people who feel this way. Selfship is meant to be fun, and I feel like it's being ruined. I am not crazy like some people are, I don't want to be percieved that way. People ruining their real relationships over this stuff is seriously unhealthy and if you're going to fight me on this then you should just get off my blog. This isn't for you. People like you are the reason I feel embarassed about something I used to enjoy and hold close to my heart. When I see ship art of Gintoki with someone I don't like, I just scroll and move on or block if it's *that* bad (rarely.) I have no respect for people who aren't willing to consider my perspective. Please stop using autism as an excuse for this shit. as an autistic person, I feel offended by the idea that my disorder somehow causes me to value fictional characters over real life human beings with feelings. If you're going to try to pull that excuse on me it won't work. If I had a real partner, I would stop drawing myself with Gintoki. When I was dating someone while selfshipping a year ago, I always loved him more than Gintoki. To me, he was *my* Gintoki. That's what made him special. It was a side thing to me, and I didn't think of it as seriously as I do now that I'm single, and If I was to ever date someone again, I think it would be the same, if I didn't quit it entirely. I'm tired of all this stupid internet discourse shit. flags, slurs, kinning, mental disorders, made up symptoms, fakeclaiming, doubles, proship/profic whatever the hell that invalid joke of a commmunity is called now, it's all bs to me. Not to say that there isn't a conversation to be had about *some* of these topics, it's just that they're all so tired and take away from the larger problems we should be focused on. I want anyone reading this to know that just because I am autistic and draw myself kissing Gintoki does not mean I am part of some chronically online twitter stereotype of autistic girls. I am who I am, and I want to be seen as that. I am not the community I am part of, and on behalf of selfshippers, I just want to say: turn off your computer. They'res much more to life than this.
to preface this, I will not be talking about Love and Deepspace or Obey Me, as I have no interest in playing those games. I know this is a bit of an unpopular opinion, but they just look?? boring??? I'm sorry guys I just think all the LIs look generic and I hate puzzle elements in otome games so I will *NOT* be playing those. Also, those games are popular and, despite my lack of interest, well made in my opinion. I will not be talking about well made games today. (until the end... kinda...) These are what I call my slop games. They aren't really the best but I enjoy them as a sort of guilty pleasure. They can be really absurd and (unintentionally) funny sometimes.
if you know anything about cheap mobile games, you're probably familiar with the company Voltage- I'd consider them to be the TLC of mobile otome games. It's trashy low quality slop but I'm weirdly addicted to it... currently I have 2 of their games: Samurai Love Ballad Party (yes this game is as stupid as it sounds) and Love365, which is just a bunch of short visual novels in one game. I only downloaded Love365 because I heard there was a Shinsengumi vn in it... (you know me) I started playing it and its??? interesting I guess.
LMAO protagonist being scared of Toshi... I don't think he's that scary... honestly I odn't have much to say about this game. The mc spends way too much time obsessing over some irrelevant background character I don't care about. I have a theory that that guy might turn out to be an antagonist... (Variable Barricade style LOL) Also the front facing Okita sprite is really funny he looks so stupid o_O The other Voltage game I mentioned before is also?? something I guess??? It's definitley more entertaining but not for the reasons it should be...
some interesting things about this one: 1. it's incredibly easy to tell which choices get you whoch ending, 2. The artstyle is??? strange?? it's kinda like reverse One Piece where all the women have interesting complicated design and the men all look the same, save a few side characters, and speaking of side characters, 3. the side characters in this game have the most ridiculous looking sprites ever. me and my friends joked that we like them more than the LIs... lol
I got the score in the left picture in A DAY!!! why is it so easy?? also the CG above... it's so funny for no reason. Especially the lack of any socks.
the last game I wanted to mention is Ikemen Sengoku, or as I call it, ๐ฏ๐ป๐ฎ๐ช๐ด๐men Sengoku!!!!!! I don't like nsfw games so I think this is going to be the ๐ฏ๐ป๐ฎ๐ช๐ด๐ฒ๐ฎ๐ผ๐ฝ game I'm willing to play... despite it's inclusion in this post, I actually do genuinely enjoy it, even though it might be a little cringe sometimes, but I find it endearing in a weird way. It's actually a little cute sometimes.
Of course, I went for the Nobunaga route, because that's why I downloaded it in the first place... He has the same voice actor as Gintoki... which means I'll get to hear Gintoki talk to me like he's in love with me... BIG WINNNN!!!!! Sometimes I close my eyes and pretend he's Gintoki XDDD Nobunaga is annoying and lowkey evil and a sex pest occasionally but I still like him for some reason. It's probably the Gintoki voice tbh... From what I've seen he is definitley not the most popular character. I don't really care. He's weird and funny and he sounds like Gintoki, and I like him just the way he is... I'd still like to eventually try the Shingen and Masamune routes, though. They're my other favorites.
I'm weirdly invested in Ikesen. As much as I know it's a silly mobile game, I can't help but get involved in every event and spend all my google play cards on it... I mean look at the room I decorated?? I'm clearly way too into this stuff. I even ended up getting in the top 100 in one of the events for a minute... just look!!
I think that mobile otome games as a whole are kind of a hit or miss, and out of all the games I mentioned above, I would reccomend Ikesen if you don't mind it's unserious nature XD... gtg so I can talk to Nobunaga O_o...
underrated gyaru brands!
I found some of these obscure gal brands while looking for heisei retro clothes on mercari, and I thought I'd share. First one I found is Roco Nails.
the iconic photo on the left shows a girl with a bag from Roco Nails, while the second one shows some school sweaters. It's interesting to finally know where the bag on that first photo comes from... It's always been one of my favorite gyaru pics... It seems like Roco Nails produced a lot of things for high school girls, like school bags and cardigans. Like most gal brands they also put out some stationary.
their clothes outside of the school stuff are pretty cool too. They remind me a lot of Cocolulu, esp more recent Cocolulu pieces. Maybe even some jp kids brands like Angel Blue or Mezzo Piano... very unique. Next brand is Rose Fan Fan. Similar to Roco Nails, they produce a lot of accessories and stationary. Their clothes are very cutesy, they remind me a bit of Tralala.
the girl in the first pic is wearing a dress from Rose Fan Fan, while the second pic is a skirt and camisole. I really like the dress, I could see it being a good Tralala substitute, it looks so similar. I would totally wear the outfit in the second picture... it's super cute. Reminds me of the Tralala shirt I own.
^^ super cute pocket handheld mirrors from Rose Fan Fan. I love the design and the logo! The last brand I wanted to share is Blue Moon Blue. I think of it as a "poor man's cocolulu" LOL... but the clothes do look pretty decent. They just tend to sell for less from what I've seen. They make a lot of jeans with really interesting patches and colorful patterns on them.
I also found this really cute shirt for sale! It reminds me of Alba Rosa a bit. I think this brand would be perfect for an amekaji co*de.
that's basically all I wanted to share! I would reccomend these brands if you're looking for something niche and unique.
Hello! I wanted to share my Christmas pictures with you all!! First I'll share my co*de that I wore on Christmas! I've been wearing a lot of red in my gal codes lately which is kinda out of character of me o_O...
The picture is so big LOL... I don't know if I will start using smaller pictures later.. I will consider maybe? On my old neocities blog, I also had big photos. First I'll share my current Gintoki collection! A lot of new Gintokis have been added.
The new ones are the two lookup figures, the coin, the shirtless Gintoki, the figure in the back behind him, the two plushies sitting in between the little round ones and the big ones in the back, and the little figure in between them. Any I didn't mention I had before now. He looks handsome and cute in all of them <3 It took me a year and a half to accumulate all these Gintokis, and I am very greatful for all of them. I think of Gintoki as my love so I like to have as much of him with me as I can <3 Most of them came from my mom or my ex boyfriend, (the only things he gave me I kept... LOL) and some were bought/made by me. The host Gintoki stand was made by me, and so was the print, the rock, and the little clay ones. My favorite Gintoki plush (the one with his clothes from the timeskip ending) isn't in this picture, and that's because I always keep him on my bed! (might share a pic of him later) The acrylic stand on the far left actually came with my Gintama artbook, so that's cool! If you look carefully, you can see my big Gintoki cardboard cutout in the back!
I don't really have a favorite, but the shirtless one always catches my eyes XD... I'm so in love with him. The big one in the back is also beautiful! He is probably the most detailed one out of all of them- I also love his smile!! The cutest smile ever!! I'm not sure which ones I'm going to bring back with me to college when break is over... I'll have to think about it...
I know it doesn't make a lot of sense to have the Hijikata figure in the Gintoki collection, but occasionally I put another character in with the Gintokis so he doesn't get lonely. I really like their friendship in the show, they are funny when they fight each other XD... lookup figures are so cute... I love how they fit in my hand... it's like my own little Gintoki and Toshi!
and the final Gintoki picture: My Gintoki itabag and pillow. I actually own two Gintoki pillows, but I couldn't fit them both in the picture...if you really want to see more of my Gintokis you should check the rest of my neocities blog! a lot more Gintokis can be found there. I also have pictures of my Gintoki tapestry in my dorm room there! Anyway the itabag is something I've had for a while, my lovely friend actually helped me make the pins! The only new things in the picture are the pillow and the three little Gintokis in the bag. The one on the far left I actually have two of, and you can see the first one in the other pics! They are all so cute!! I love to be able to carry him with me and snuggle with the Gintoki pillow >///< If you look really carefully, you can see another little Gintoki plush in the background behind the bag- the reason I didn't really include him is because he came without clothes lol. I had to temporarily put him in a sock until I get him some doll clothes.
this is just a picture of my collection of small figures. I know the camera quality is bad, but my phone doesn't have a great camera. The only ones I acrually got for Christmas were the Gintama ones in the back. I also have the Hijikata, Takasugi, Rin Kagamine, Hello Kitty, and the little fashion doll I got at a Japanese convenience store (I didn't go to Japan, lol... it's a store that sells Japanese goods in the US.) I think my favorite is the little Toshi mayo...
I also got these books, the Hakuoki switch port, and this Gintama folder. Both of the books are from artists I really love, so I think I'll enjoy the, a lot. I've been wanting to be able to play Hakuoki winds and blossoms FOREVER because I was introduced to the series by playing memories on my DS :) I still haven't completed it yet, I really just want the Hijikata ending TwT... love you Toshi... hoping for better luck in my next play of memories and with this new one! (I do blind playthroughs ^_^) You have no idea how excited I was for this to come out LOL... I literally lost it when it was announced... I think I'll use the Gintama folder to keep my art in. Not quite sure yet.
I didn't get a lot of clothes for Christmas, this year, actually. I tend to get mostly clothes but I guess it was different this year. I got a pair of striped socks, bowtie, cat hoodie, Yatori Kamisama Kiss shirt, black cardigan, blue skirt, patterned jeans, and the princess hat. I really liked the cat hoodie, it reminded me of himekaji and old Liz Lisa- the material is a bit cheap but I don't really mind. I thought the patterned jeans would work for something amekaji, maybe? I think the hat is my favorite, it remind me of something from the gyaru brand Black Queen, or maybe even DIA? Idk it's neat. I saw a girl at uni with a similar hat and thought it was cool, so I asked for one.
This picture is mostly makeup- since there's so much to see in the picture, I'll only go over a few. I got 5 new sets of nails, pins, a couple hand creams and lip glosses, toner, my melody cable protectors, perfume, gyaru lashes, earrings and a candle. The earrings are awesome- they look like little swords... it's literally me... The candle was given to me by a friend who didn't want it- it smells great and so does the perfume!! It smells so sweet, I think Gintoki would like it. โก (โ 3 โผ) One of the lip glosses is from Flower Knows, one of my favorite cosmetics brands!! Their products look soo cute, they have a rococo theme and remind me of hime gyaru decoden! Ignore my book of photocards in the picture, I just included it bc I thought it looked cute XD
last picture!! this year I got two new phone cases and a set of Gintama trading cards- I don't know how to play the card game because it's all in Japanese and I only know English... TwT But I don't really mind. I don't like card games anyway, so I thought I would use them like photocards. They are super cute! I thought because the phone cases were clear, I could just slide one in behind my phone. I also got the little card sheets to hold them in, so I might put them in those and decorate them! that's all I have to say for today.