Fluffy Silver Soul
about Gintoki

I am in love with Gintoki Sakata. I know he is not real, but that doesn't really matter to me right now because he means the world to me, but I never really explained why. I should probably do that. I want people who might not understand my feelings towards him to read this and maybe think about how it feels for me, and why I like him so much. I have so much to say about him, honestly I’m not really sure where to start…

I guess I could start with the easy part, why I became so attached to Gintoki in the first place. Even when I was younger, I knew of him. I had a few friends who had seen Gintama, but I didn’t think much of it. I remember my first ever experience with Gintoki was all the way back in 2021 when a friend showed me a picture of Gintoki and Takasugi. Ironically, I ignored Gintoki and pointed out that I found Takasugi quite cute (still agree, I guess, I just think it’s funny I ignored Gintoki at first.) I had another friend recommend I watch Gintama in 2022, and in 2023 I decided to take them up on the offer because, 1. It looked so absurd that I just had to watch it, and 2. That guy on the cover was so cute! Not sure why I was so initially attracted to him, but when I saw him for the second time I became strangely attached. My relationship with this series is quite the strange one. The whole thing made me remember something that happened all the way back in 2019- my mom had actually bought me the first volume of Gintama, and thinking I wouldn't like it, I threw it up in my closet and ignored it for 3 years. I went home and fished it out of the closet, and promptly read the entire thing within the next two days, and I loved it, and I loved Gintoki.

The easiest thing to start with is what he looks like- I mean that’s kind of an obvious reason for finding someone attractive, isn’t it? There are so many things about Gintoki that I love. It's hard to find out how I would even begin to talk about it. Well, first, I like how Gintoki looks and acts more mature than most anime protagonists. I also like how he looks more “realistic” than most anime guys if that makes any sense? He seems to have a more flat nose, smaller eyes, and bigger cheeks- all things I would probably find incredibly cute in a real man. And his eyes? I love his cute little sleepy eyes!! I like how strong and muscular he looks, I know he would give such great hugs and I just want him to hold me so tight! >///< Gintoki also seems to have really strong hands, I imagine he would hold my hand so tight… and last I would like to briefly mention how much I adore his voice. I think it suits him very well and I just find it so attractive!! I don’t have much more to say about that, so now I'll get to the important part.

I like that Gintoki isn’t afraid to be childish and indulge in the things he loves, it suggests a lot of self confidence. Even if he seems to be the type to have low self-esteem, it shows that there are some things he is not willing to stop enjoying just because he is deemed “too old for them.” I find it super cute that he is always eating little sweets, and how he is not embarrassed or ashamed about how much he eats. I would love to make him happy by baking for him, and I would let him have as many as he wants… I like how Gintoki is very direct and speaks his mind, it seems like it would make it easy to communicate, and I don’t care that he is blunt and doesn’t have a filter, because I am the same. He knows what he wants and he says it, and I like that. He makes it clear what things he likes and what things he doesn’t like. I think Gintoki has been through so much, and I want to be able to comfort and take care of him. I think his close childhood relationships are what make him so kind on the inside, even if he keeps it hidden. Gintoki is a very caring man in his heart. He seems to be very fond of children and almost father-like in some circumstances, which I also find especially sweet. I also like Gintoki because of his respect for women. He can be direct when he is attracted to a girl (or not lol), but this doesn’t mean he doesn’t respect those women, in fact, he seems to try his hardest to protect and value the women in his life. I think that deep down inside, Gintoki is a very smart man, and I think he would be a good person to have in my life. He would probably be able to stop me from making a lot of stupid decisions, lol. In conclusion, I love Gintoki for his strength, kindness, and his ability to always protect those close to him no matter what.

This isn’t meant to be any sort of deep character analysis, as I’m not good at that sort of thing, so I’m sorry if my perception of the character does not align with your own. This was just meant to be a silly little description of why I love Gintoki so much so yeah,,,, that’s all...
Gintoki collection!!!